Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas Eve!

Well, Bobby put the crowning ornament on the advent calendar tree this morning, and that means that Christmas Eve is finally here!

We had a great calendar like this growing up, and Jeniel made us all replica's of this felt and sequin masterpiece for Christmas a couple years ago, and the tradition continues!

As children, we would always fight over who could put the star on the top, or whether it would be the star or angel that made it to the top of the tree. It was luck of the draw who got the number that had the star in it, so my mom got smart and started always putting the star in day 24- and the top spot on the tree had to be left open for Christmas Eve morning.

True to tradition, this morning the top spot was all that remained open, and because it was Bobby's turn, he topped off the tree and we knew that Christmas had finally come at last!!

And so we wish a Very Merry Christmas to you all!!


Annalisa said...

Merry Christmas! From Hari

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the calendar, and I want it. Maybe next year I will make one. Hope you and Bob had a GREAT Christmas!!!