in my pre-husband life (before he taught me the joy that it is to sleep in, and snuggle with the warm blankets in the morning) I used to run... Kind of a lot...
Lest any of you be confused, let me clarify something for you. To run, even to like to run, should not be confused with being good at running, nor fast.
But the sleeping in got the better of me, and let's be honest, for almost 2 years, I did little running. I do believe I kept waiting for the day the husband would want to come with (as he periodically would due to sudden surge of sweetness, or sudden purge of over-eating...) but that left me running possibly 1-2 times a month.
This new year, I decided husband or not, I was going to make one of those lofty resolutions and run again.. for myself.
1/2 a resolution done.. CHECK

just because I was thinking and laughing about this halfway through my race today, here's a bonus picture dedicated to Kat and Meesh.

you are a superstar!
Remember when we used to get up early and run together and had to face that NASTY hill by Cayon Meadows? I miss that run. There ain't no hills in Florida. Just bumps. I started getting lazy with the running as well, but am trying to pick it up again. 4 miles is max for me right now and I hurt everytime after (my lower back. Supposedly pregnancy does that to ya). It just feels sooo good. Yeah, pre marriage, Scott ran with me ALL THE TIME. NOW??? Hardly EVERY. I have to BEG him. Hahah..they did that to lure us in!
Ah running. I hate it. I hate that I have to start training for a freaking 5k. Bah. Way to go Meggy!
Hey, was that the Provo half? My sister-in-law did that, also - I was going to do the 5k that day to see her (we were in town for conference) but the weather was too poopy for my SoCal blood :) You are super tough for running in it! Congrats!
really...2 1/2 hrs of running? amazing. i didn't quite get if you ran a 1/2 marathon or not, but what ever you ran...great job for doing it. now get geoff to run.
Wow - great work! I've recently gotten back into running, too, and I'm loving it!
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