Monday, September 21, 2009


this morning was a beautiful crisp one. one when crawling under the blankets seems so inviting.

but i fought the urge and went up to the trail to take myself & the pup on a little run. i was instantly rewarded with how beautiful it was.

i even got a glimpse at a few deer scampering around- no doubt not wanting to be friends with stinson-

then i felt a little something on my head.

then i felt a little something that hurt on my head.

i swatted at my head.

all while running mind you...

and felt a foreign object on there.

with the stinging sensation and bug like object on my head, i began swiping madly at the top of my head and heard a little bzzz.

i really hope for their sake that someone got a glimpse of this...


Annalisa said...


and i bet the sight was hilarious, running and swatting at your head....

i'm sure angels were laughing.

Christina said...

You poor thing!

katrina said...

So Funny....oh yeah, and sad.

Frankman's said...

okay, so i know this post was about you getting stung by a bee, but it seriously made me so homesick! i miss being so close to the mountains in canyon meadows! i heart the fall morning air :-) miss you! i want to see more house pictures!! oh and my couches finally arrived TODAY. hooray!

Unknown said...

Any reaction?? I currently have a fat arm and no wrist because I got stung by a wasp on Sunday. I was unfortunately surrounded by people when it happened and had to act like everything was okay, and not flail about as I would have liked.