Sunday, May 11, 2008

Its my birthday and I'll party if I want to!

You would party too if it happened to you!

I realize that I may just be returning to the fantasy life of an 8 year old, but I love it. So this year I went full out on the birthday party of my dreams (i dream big, okay?!)

First Stop: Power Tumbling- trampolines, giant foam pits, human hamster wheel- How can that not be a good time!

Apparently Bobby's best side in all his flipping photos would be his back side!

Meesh, Kat and I enjoying a little roll...

And the foam pit...

I feel like Teeter-totters still just invoke fear in my heart, only justified when Bobby bailed on me on our turn... I know that was hilarious when we were six, but is that really still funny? Apparently! I think maybe Scottie was a little nicer to Marcelle!

Always trying to go bigger and better- Emily and Brian decided to try to get ON TOP of the human hamster wheel, rather than a measly ride in it.

If you look closely at this photo, you may notice that Emily's first attempt was not all that successful. She may not be high enough, but dang, check out that form! She must be a dancer! (we won't display the outcome photo of this attempt!)

That's a little more like it!

And again the amazing acrobatics of Brian and Emily. Too bad the loop wasn't a ring of fire!!

Who knew that Bobby and I are apparently Kung Fu Fighters?

Cinco de Mayo & the Birthday Continues

For Family Home Evening on Cinco De Mayo, Bobby decided that the activity was going to be making a Pinata. I have to give him some major credit for that one!

We made a pretty giant mess with the newspaper, flour and water combo, but the final result turned out pretty good for our first try
(if we do say so ourself...)

Apparently we feel pretty affectionate toward our finished product

So here he is in all his glory, just waiting to be obliterated at the birthday party

The remnants...

Meesh's stash of the Goods...
We filled the Pinata with Fruit Snacks!
***Edit- the picture of Meesh shoving the fruit snacks down her shirt was removed.
Bobby said it was too questionable!***

Tuesday, May 6, 2008