then drive 16 hours back home and try to catch up on sleep!
Posted by
11:35 AM
this year bobby & i got car tires for christmas. i know, i know, that tops everyone's wish list.
i wasn't a very good sport at first (yes, i cried) and then i gave myself a series of lectures about the spirit of the season etc. etc. and decided that my poor sport self better do something about it.
thus unfolded our december. i knew i wasn't going to be able to buy much for bobby, so instead, i wanted to make every day in december just a little bit of christmas.
Posted by
10:45 AM
the drive to oregon was supposed to happen tuesday, but with a big storm about to blow in, and me not so much loving snow storms across nevada, we up and took off sunday morning. the more christmas the merrier right?
i felt like we were on the mystery route, surrounded by dense fog in the dark of the morning.
every once in a while, we'd ascend above the frozen tundra and see the beautiful day.
and then descend again...the subie handled it well...
and then there were cows,
and stinson-faces,
and frozen lakes of the woods with impending rain storms, a sure sign we were being greeted by oregon.
alas, i have no pictures of the driving rain on the dark windshield, but i can tell you that we are here, and enjoying this non-white christmas.
besides, who can complain when i'm lying on a bed looking at this:
Posted by
2:53 PM
i should remember when asking excellent cooks for recipes, to not only include ingredients, but detailed instructions, like, " be patient, you may be stirring for more than a half hour"
or, "be prepared to wrap those caramels for the better part of a movie or two!"but alas, they were quite delightful to package up.
and deliver to friends.
and hopefully they even tasted good!
Posted by
12:00 PM
Posted by
7:00 AM
does anyone else have their moments, when they do something they really know better and think it won't be a big deal this time?
i threw some new maternity jeans into the wash with some brights, darks, and *gasp a couple whites. i know, i know. what was i thinking? possibly that i was grouchy? and just wanted everything washed at the same time? especially since we have to give the dryer 4-5 rounds- not exaggerating here people- to dry a single load?
i admit it. i did it. and now i will pay the price. bad- can i repeat bad light blue dye job going on right now.
i have precious few fitting clothes, did i really have to learn this lesson right now? and on one of bobby's favorite, and cutest (strike that- most attractive) shirts?
lesson learned, let's hope. excuse me, i have buckets to attend too...
Posted by
7:40 PM