Posted by
4:35 PM
Posted by
6:56 AM
I went to the store and bought eggs, but didn't buy the dye. Then I debated whether any Easter happenings would go down at our address, as the husband is approaching finals (and usually doesn't know that holidays exist unless I tell him what day they are on.)
I remembered last year seeing Eggs dyed using neck ties, and I was off to search the DI bag for bobby's gently used/ugly ties.Possible Problem #1- Ties purchased in Asia may or may not be silk- no matter what the tag says..
Possible Problem #2 -We didn't have a glass pot for the stove (and for some reasons the directions called to boil in glass or enamel) so I tried the microwave equivalent. Does anyone else wonder if microwaves will someday give them cancer? I mean a little egg in there for like 20+ minutes? That can't be good...
Possible Problem #3- not sure if the Orange ones didn't turn out as well because of Possible problem#1 and/or #2 or if lighter colors just don't work as well..
Posted by
7:16 PM
in my pre-husband life (before he taught me the joy that it is to sleep in, and snuggle with the warm blankets in the morning) I used to run... Kind of a lot...
Lest any of you be confused, let me clarify something for you. To run, even to like to run, should not be confused with being good at running, nor fast.
But the sleeping in got the better of me, and let's be honest, for almost 2 years, I did little running. I do believe I kept waiting for the day the husband would want to come with (as he periodically would due to sudden surge of sweetness, or sudden purge of over-eating...) but that left me running possibly 1-2 times a month.
Posted by
7:23 PM
I made this little batch of chocolates today. filled with cotton balls.
It was the perfect prank for a non- prankster like me, just enough funny, not too mean.
Bobby was the first to test them. I asked him to taste the chocolates I made before we took them to a friends house. He bit it right in half.
We took them to Zak and Tiff (for our weekly watch LOST adventure)- but I had some real chocolate covered marshmallows mixed in, so the husband and I ate those. Zak got a real one first, so he was tempted by a second. But Tiff was suspicious from the beginning, she didn't buy it.
The Bonus: The Blewitts showed up at the end of the show, and Brian just popped that sucker right on in his mouth. The following giggling from the bobby-megan corner gave it away before the cotton even registered with his taste buds.. But it was still much enjoyed.
happy april fools 'all.
Posted by
9:47 PM