Sunday, January 23, 2011

house of bricks

santa gave us some legos for christmas.

maybe he was preparing us for 4 years from now when the bebe can actually play with them.

or maybe he knew the husband just might enjoy them until then....

either way, they magically arrived in this perfect little replica of our house.  barn, pear tree and all...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

forcing spring

it really is too early to be thinking about or hoping for spring around these parts. 

so i couldn't help but plant a little happiness to enjoy inside.

i think it is pretty cool that i can watch it grow, before my very eyes.  every day.

i'm entertained. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

friday word of the day: bleach

today anything and everything that is non-porous and doesn't move is getting the bleach treatment.  the baby and the pup are both porous and move, so they are safe from the megan attack...

no one is sick around here.  there is no major incentive.  it was just time. 

i'm sure someone in the vast out there thinks i'm probably paranoid, and another can't believe that i haven't done this yet...  but today is the day for me...

now is the time that i publicly apologize to my microbiology roommate of old who would tell us about everything that could be growing on very surface of our apartment.

i mean, she was paranoid, but i could have been nicer about it!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

problem solving skills

 this is what happens when the husband sets out to bake our bread

he decides he is sick and tired of dumping the flour out the cup and subsequently half in the bowl and half on the counter. 

he results to just taking a giant spoon to the whole big ole' bucket of flour.

i almost fell on the floor i was laughing so hard.

but then again, so did he...

the 2011 door

Sunday, January 16, 2011

gotta have a party...

(wo)man's best friend... (after the husband, bebe, a pretty great fam, and some choice besties that is...) had another birthday. was he ever really that little??

we added a new party attendee from last year...

and though we did forgo the party hats this year...

there was indeed a cake. the husband may scoff at the idea of having a party for the puppy, but he did not scoff at carving up, nor eating a cake...

 and it looks like the bebe knows just what to do with that cake...

Friday, January 7, 2011

i tried to talk myself out of it...

all week actually.

i enlisted a friend to help talk me out of it.

i even exercised first in case i was just going stir crazy and needed to get some of the impulsivity out.

but in the end...

i just cut my own hair.

see i have this problem.  when i finally decide i want to do something with my hair, i want to do it right now.  i don't want to wait for a scheduled appointment.  not to mention with the little guy i'm bumming around with these days, i hardly have a schedule!

but shhh.... don't tell the husband.  he doesn't know yet.  and he's probably going to have to fix it later...