i don't know if this little guy has the husbands laid back patient personality, or my inherit stubbornness. either way, it seemed he needed a touch (read- a lot) of coaxing to come out.
the dr. told me it was time to help him out, and i dragged it on, hoping the little guy would make his own entrance.
so they started sending me in for regular non-stress tests to make sure he was holding out okay.
turns out that one little blip they didn't like on the heart rate strip on friday and high fluid levels, meant that i got to become a regular visitor in labor and delivery confirming he was still holding out okay every day until he came out.
sunday, i gave in to the daily question from the dr, "you sure you don't want to start today?" i felt like i had already spent as much time in the hospital checking on him as it would have taken to have the baby (turns out maybe i underestimated how much time that can take!) they gave me something to help soften my cervix and sent me home, where i wanted to be for as long as i could.
we took the chance, since the next day was memorial day, to go to the provo city cemetery. we wandered around, and i chatted about the lives all these people must have led. we visited mike's (our neighbor) grave. every once in a while i would go silent and hold really still and the husband would know that i was having a contraction.
when they had me come back to the hospital, my body had finally done its job, and was starting to work on getting the baby here. i didn't even need the second dose of the softener, and they let me go home one more time, to relax and labor at home.
sunday was a night of no sleep for me (but don't you worry, bobby slept just fine!!) as i contracted every ten minutes or so, and grew excited that our little bebe was finally coming.
monday morning found us back at the hospital, and dr. wanting me on pitocin so he could finally get things really going. i had really wanted anything but to be induced, but at this point, my stubbornness was wearing thin, my tiredness was setting in, and most of all, i was getting ready to meet this little son of mine!
not everything went as i had planned. (imagine that! lesson number one from my son on learning to give up control!) but i wouldn't change a minute of it, or the time that bobby and i had to grow more and more excited about meeting the little guy that was about to change our lives.
so without further ado, i give you a little more of a peek into our memorial day...

he had rough couple of hours. they took him to the nicu to monitor his breathing. dad diligently didn't let him out of sight.

how do you have such great pictures of your labor and delivery?!?! i LOVE the hands picture. it makes me want to go into labor all over again just so i can have better pictures! :-). scary that he had to be in NICU - i hope everything is okay now. we love you!!
What sweet pictures! Evan is soooo adorable and you look like a rockstar! I can't wait to meet him (and then introduce my little one to yours!)
Oh my gosh he is absolutely adorable! We are so excited for you. I hope the healing process is treating you well. We can't wait to meet him.
hooray hooray! i have been glancing down the street all weekend and week to see if there was any activity. i can't wait to meet him and see how you are doing. i'm ready to bring dinner anytime. i contacted alisa faust about it and she said she's just waiting to hear from you guys. boy oh boy, looks like you did great!!!
CONGRATS! Labors never go like you plan, but what a cutie you got out of it! Hope you recover well, and we'll have to come see the little guy sometime!
Congrats on the new little one!! He is adorable :) I like to stay up to date on your lives through your blog... alright, I guess you could say that I blog stock you. ;) I'm glad everything is going well!
umm. one question. why am i crying!?!?! holy crap- get a grip andrea! okay and one more question - how do you look so amazing in all those pictures!? youre out of control my friend! youre awesome and I'm sooo happy for you..and that little Evan melts my heart. Congratulations - I couldnt be happier for you! :)
YAAAAAAAAAY!!! Seriously I am so excited for you. I can't believe my baby brother has a baby!
Congratulations...you both did amazing. Evan is a cutie.
Congratulations! So exciting. He is beautiful and you look amazing. Enjoy the little guy.
Love ya.
This post brought tears to my eyes. What beautiful pictures -- thanks for sharing. Congratulations to all of you. We are officially back in Utah and would love to get a sneak peek of Evan -- hopefully we'll get to see him when Bobby's parents are in town. Congrats again -- he is beautiful.
CONGRATS!!!! I am so happy for you and your hubby! you are going to be a GREAT mother!
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